Insane Austrian Saint 

Insane St. Sigmund
A brief chronology of Freud's canonisation in Austria. 

St. Sigmund. At long last, Freud was canonoised by the Vatican.

The Freud craze

Absurdly, even though denounced by his Austrian landsmen during his lifetime, and declared both a pervert and a madman, Freud nowadays has become the pride and joy of modern Austria celebrated as its most prestigious son!
Freud's first biographer, Wittels, believed that Freud, foresaw … the ‘Freud craze’ … that ... would preserve little more of his life’s work than the name and the most elementary connections. *
He was right.
Whether any of those celebrating Freud had ever read any of his writings and letters is doubtful. Had they read and understood Freud, Freud wouldn't ever have been celebrated, but rather desecrated.
But, as so often, artificial fame is more important than the real man. No wonder that Freud, nowadays, warts and all, has become a true Austrian saint.  Only the halo is missing.
* Wittels, Sigmund Freud: his personality, his teaching, & his school, (1924, p. 137).

Sigmund-Freud's Gymnasium, a celebration of a genius.

Believe it or not, bizarrely, since 1980, Austrian children in Vienna have been educated in a high school carrying Freud's name, thus unwittingly having a pervert, criminal, and a serial killer as a role model!

The chronology of Freudian canonisation

1971: The Sigmund Freud Museum opened. The Austrian Federal Chancellor, Bruno Kreisky, participated in the ceremony.
He had no idea who Freud was. If he knew, he would never be part of the celebrations.

1984: A park next to the Votive Church was named Sigmund Freud Park.
Isn't it ironic? Freud hated Christianity!

1985 A tablet dedicated to Freud was installed in the park next to the church!

1986: 50 schilling banknotes with Freud’s portrait were issued.
Freud would have loved that! Money is laughing gas for me, * he wrote to his lover, Fliess, on September 21, 1899.
* Freud, (1985,p. 374).

1980: The Erzherzog Rainer Realgymnasium was renamed the Sigmund Freud Gymnasium on the 50th anniversary of Freud's death.

1981: Freud was featured on the Austria Post 3 shilling stamps celebrating his  125th birthday.
3 shilling is too much.
Did this anniversary call for a celebration?

1986: 50 shilling. Apparently, over time, Freud became worth more than the measly 3 shillings.
Freud looking left, the Austrian coat of arms to the left. An interesting combination. Freud looks like a real thinker. What was the occasion for the celebration?

2000: 50 Shilling coin. Austria celebrating the 100th anniversary of the development of psychoanalysis by Sigmund Freud. A happy occasion, but not for his patients aka victims. Don't they deserve a memorial coin?

2006: Austria celebrated the 150th anniversary of the birth of Sigmund Freud.
A somber occasion, taking into account Freud's lies, deceit, perversions, and evil criminal deeds.

2017: 50 Euro Gold Sigmund Freud coin. As it is obvious, Freud has become even more valuable. Not an anniversary, just Austria celebrating the pioneering schools of psychotherapy.
The obverse shows a naked couple which goes well with Freud's sexual "healing" he offered to his patients, for a hefty fee, of course. Only a beard is missing.

2018: Freud's statue was unveiled at the Medical University in Vienna on the 80th anniversary of his exile.
Contemplating his perversions and criminality?

What next? The Saint Sigmund's Day?